Popular Myths About Lightning System And Some Safety Rules For Your Family

You may love to watch the spectacle of lightning, but a survey says that electric bolt is one of the most common reason for deaths in America. The growing pollution in our surrounding is to be blamed for causing such a situation. So it would be better if you never underestimated the danger of thunderstorm. To protect yourself and your family, you should install a residential lightning protection system in your home. A proper lightning protection system comes with a lightning rod, conductors, ground bonds and surge protectors etc. However, there are several myths regarding the usage of these lighting systems. Lone Star Lightning is here to enlighten you with some of their knowledge.

Lightning protection system attracts lightning-

A lightning protection system never attracts lightning. The function of any lightning protection system is to safely channelise electricity produced by lightning strike towards the ground.

Carrying something made of metal attracts lightning-

This hardly makes any difference. What matters more during a lightning strike is the height, shape of you and the place or position of you (standing beside any open water body or open field).

Installing a lightning protection system is quite expensive-

Stop worrying about your bank balance. The equipment that is used during the installation process is some of the most inexpensive and simple materials that you can buy. These are generally available in the market area, or you can also ask for some suppliers who can come to your house and do all the installation in exchange of a few bucks.

Antennas will guard you against lightning strike-

Antennas can never protect you from any lightning strike as they don’t have these kinds of protective system. They only function of those antennas is to catch signals and transmit to respective devices.

If your house is surrounded by tall building then you don’t need to put a lightning protective system-

Even if your home is situated among several tall buildings, there is still a chance of getting hit by lightning. Moreover, there is always a severe chance of home appliances getting damaged due to a lightning strike. So it is preferred not to take any chance and to install the protective device as soon as possible.

Apart from all these, you should follow some basic rules during any thunderstorm to keep yourself as well as your family members safe from getting hit by lightning-
Always try to stay inside the home.

Don’t touch tap water.
Don’t stay near any open water body.
Stay away from water pipes, faucets.
Switch off and unplug all the home appliances, electronic as well as electrical equipment like fridge, television, music system, computer, washing machine etc.

Stay away from the basement floor. Wear rubber sipper to walk inside your house.
Stay away from walls where electric wiring is present.

All these precautions are essential and should be followed whenever you face any massive storm accompanied by thunder. But then also installing residential lightning protection is mandatory to keep your loved ones and yourself safe from any mishaps.


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