How Essential It Is For You to Install Lightning Protection Systems?

Lightning Protection Systems are extremely necessary to keep your home away from the severe impact when direct or indirect lightning strikes during a thunder storm. To help you and your belongings remain safe, you need to ensure you home is safe at all times. Hence, here are a number of procedures which you need to follow:

Air terminals or lightning rods play an essential part in protecting the buildings from getting affected. It consists of three main components, and they are mentioned below:

Rods – These are small and vertical protrusions which are mainly designed to act as terminals for lightning currents. These rods come in different shapes and designs. Most of them are topped with a polished sphere or are tall and have pointed ends.

Cables – These are basically conductor cables which carry lightning discharge from the rods and directly into the ground. The cables are usually installed along roof tops and edges of your roofs which then passes from one or multiple corners of the building and goes into the ground rods.

Ground rods – These are thick and heavy rods that are buried deep into the ground around any building. As mentioned earlier, conductor cables are connected to these ground rods which forms a safe path for lightning currents around the protected structure.

Experts suggest people to install conductor cables and ground rods around their homes, and they consider them to be the most important components of the lightning protection system. It is stated that these two components play major role in diverting lightning currents safely past the protected structure. Besides this, lightning rods are also helpful but they are pointy in shape and so they offer lesser coverage. However, to find out what is best Lightning Protection System for your home or office building, firstly you need to ask a professional to analyze the area properly and then advise what would serve the best purpose for you.

As a novice, you too may want to know what lightning protection systems do. Well, a lightning protection system ensures complete safety to any building and the surrounding area when lightning currents happen to hit it directly. These systems provide good and safe path and diverts the lightning currents into the ground. Here are some points given below to explain what lighting system does to protect the structures and its occupants:

  1. Lightning systems does not attract lightning.
  2. It does not prevent lightning but reduces its impact on buildings and other structures.
  3. All kinds of lightning system does not provide surge protection for sensitive electronics.
  4. It offers complete protection from fire breakouts.
Therefore, for complete Lightning Protection in Houston, simply adhere the above and install the most suitable light6ning protection system without further delay.


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